Friday, October 21, 2022

Ross Perot Redux?

Last guy I remember doing the third party run was Ross Perot in 1992. Pundits say he siphoned off votes from Bush, but it could have been Perot brought voters to the polls who wouldn’t have voted. Who really knows?

Perot was truly rich, not Trump fake rich. He spent his own money, IIRC, but he took donations, too. His campaign was…well, quirky… to be kind. And I don’t think he managed to get on the ballot in all 50 states. Without that, you’re really just wasting your time.

And getting on the ballot in all 50 states is nearly impossible without a major party behind you. The state laws are written that way. To get on the ballot in all 50 as an independent requires a massive staff of people nationwide meeting 50 different requirements. So the question really isn’t: “Could Liz Cheney (who lost her GOP Primary) really destroy MAGA?” 

The question is: “How the hell would she get on 50 ballots in time?”

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