Saturday, October 29, 2022

Say What You Want About Texas Politics...

"Furries" in public schools is too nutty even for Texas.

A GOP candidate for House District 138 tried to raise the issue in January.  I can't find a reference to it in Texas politics since then.

Maybe it's because Dan Patrick tried to get everybody riled up a few years back about transgender students using the "wrong" bathrooms in public schools.  That didn't get very far because Patrick is the Lite Guv (Molly Ivins' term) and public schools in Texas are independent government agencies over which the Lite Guv has no authority.  That and he's just plain nuts.

I've heard some very silly things in some of the Texas campaigns.  Fear-mongering about "Democrat" judges releasing violent criminals on bail so they can commit more violent crimes and turn the border into an...easily crossed river (which it is.  The drought in Texas is helping with that, I'm sure.) is still running hot (I get a mailer about it almost every day.). 

But no mailers about "furries" in the schools.  Or litter boxes.  Or hissing children.

Then again, even book bans seems to have run their course.  I think people just got bored with it and decided the problem was solved and they went back to worrying about school holidays and what to do with the kids then.

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