Friday, October 28, 2022


The man who discovered this continent for Europe started enslaving the people already here almost the minute he stepped off his boat.

We slaughtered the natives without compunction or concern for the better part of the 19th century into the 20th, herding the survivors onto lands we had no use for until, in some cases, we did.

We set up the first international trade in human beings, and ran that industry for 400 years. It took 5 years of war to end it, and then we just continued it without the “owning human beings” part, up to the present day.

We were lynching people (only certain ones, of course) and making postcards about only 100 years ago. Emmett Till was lynched in 1955 (the year I was born, so not long ago at all); his murderers were acquitted. A decade later people bombed black churches because, you know…black churches.

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was vilified as a Communist (sound familiar 60 years later?). I. Edgar Hoover considered King a threat to national security. He used the considerable power of the FBI trying to prove it. Nobody stopped him.

And I haven’t even gotten to COINTELPRO and the House Un-American Activities Committee. Or how many “white” immigrants were not “white” until they were. Or the American eugenics laws that taught the Nazis how to do it.

Honestly, history isn’t that hard. Is it?

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