Saturday, October 29, 2022

Texas Banned "Drop Boxes" in 2021

So I guess these volunteers in Texas are going to harass voters at polling places. Which I suppose could happen, unless those polling places are in parts of town where those "volunteers" fear to tread.

I speak from experience.  When I moved into the part of Houston where I've lived and raised my daughter for the past 25 years, it was considered a "sketchy" area.  Mostly, I suspect, because it was as ethnically diverse as any part of Houston, and it was before Houston started celebrating that diversity (hey, it was much worse here in the '80's, when "diversity" meant white people going to a restaurant for "Mexican" food.).

It's gentrified since then; somewhat.  But there are still people who wouldn't come to the brand new (now not so new) HEB until the store posted off-duty police officers in uniform outside the store, and put up security cameras (on trailers, to be as conspicuous as possible).  The "rich people" from nearby were afraid to be here in daylight, and absolutely would not be here after dark.  Same people who have time to fret about who's voting, in other words.

I just don't think those folks are going to have a lot to do in most of the major urban areas where the Democratic wrong voters live.

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