Monday, May 06, 2024

Deja Vu All Over Again

The first time I saw this today, I thought it was on odd callback to last week.

Speaking of re-runs:
"It's all this to smear Trump," Bannon opined. "The only thing you've seen in the narrative in the courtroom in the last couple weeks is Trump's a scumbag — Trump's a scumbag, and it's put out and reinforced time and time again on MSNBC and CNN."
"I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”—Truman 
"They threatened President Trump!" he exclaimed. "They threatened President Trump with jail. They threatened President Trump with jail because of this unconstitutional gag order. And my question is why are we not going on offense?"
Offense against who? The legal system? The State of New York? “Little man, your arms are too short to box with God.” Or the law.
"Nobody cares about locker room talk," Bannon bellowed. "Why don't we go on offense and bring the people that Bill Clinton raped and Bill Clinton sexually molested?"
Statute of Limitations. Didn’t happen in New York. Irrelevant to Trump’s case. See also: the legal system. (And didn’t your mama teach you that what matters is what you did, not what everybody else did?
"Let the American people compare and contrast the words of Donald Trump in locker room talk versus the actions of the Clintons and let the American people decide."
This is becoming repetitive, but what part of “court of law” do you not understand?
"You have to go on offense on this vast criminal conspiracy against Donald J. Trump," he complained. "And the House of Representatives and the feckless, gutless leadership over there has to step up to the plate, and they need to step up to the plate today; it's absolutely outrageous what's going on President Trump's taking incoming from everywhere."
You answered my last question. You understand as much as Trump does.
Somebody has got to come to his defense!"
That would be what he’s paying his lawyers to do. The House has no role in this at all.

These people aren’t dangerous, they’re idiots.

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