Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Dear David Axelrod:

If this is giving you another fit of the vapors, I recommend smelling salts. And a fainting couch. By the way, Mr. Axelrod, does the word "hypocrisy" count as violence? Eh. Welcome to America. People standing outside your house holding signs and serving brie and wine to reporters doesn't sound like the worst thing you could ever experience as a public official. "What feels good" is sometimes what is needed to get people to be more politically active. The GOP didn't organize a 60 year battle to establish autocracy by telling people to stay home, stay calm, and vote without considering "what feels good." Telling people who they should behave is not the most effective way to organize a political movement or establish political momentum. Alternatively that's the message of all the GOP voters who allegedly will secure the House and Senate in November. It's not about not being strategic; it's about what you are strategic about. Although the GOP has found they are riding a tiger which wants to eat them, and probably will before long. But insisting that "our" hearts must be pure is just laughably naive. This is America. Politics has always been a blood sport. And the strategy has always been to win.   Although, yeah, the "with us or against us" line is crap: I much prefer Jesus' statement on the topic: 

John said in response, "Master, we say someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he isn't one of us."

But he said to him, "Don't stop him; in fact, whoever is not against you is on your side."

Luke 9:49-50, SV

Besides, protests at the homes of Justices most of America can't identify in a lineup (or by name, period) is not an electoral game changer in November.  Anyone who thinks so is not a serious political analyst.
Best comment on this subject I’ve read.

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