Thursday, May 05, 2022

I’m Just Going To Say It

Gregg Nunziata is as dumb as a box of ๐Ÿชจ.

There. I feel better. Thank you.

Staying with Professor Vladeck
Actually what’s revealing is the assumption that Dobbs, and the other cases it mentions, are almost purely political. That’s not a legal argument, chum. And this is just whistling past the graveyard: Once you "undo" Roe, it’s a straight line to Griswold, and many other applications of the Constitution to state laws. Which is actually the basis of Alito’s draft: that the issue of abortion should return to the states. Why shouldn’t contraceptives and marriage and sexual practices (“sodomy”) follow suit?

And this is how it will happen:
Can states ban possession and use if abortifacients which are legal under Federal law for that use? Can they ban receipt of them through the U.S. mail? Or just possession? And the fundamental distinction with Griswold is what?

Besides, all that energy that was put into overturning Roe for 50 years is going to need a new target. Having finally won, it’s not going to just go away.

Or will the courts just consult the latest polls to decide what’s “traditional” and what isn’t? If that’s not political, what is?

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