Tuesday, October 04, 2022


I'd be very upset by this, except I'm a yellow-dog Democrat and have been all my life.

I used to tell myself I would vote for a "qualified" Republican if one ever came along.  I finally had to admit one never would.

Most of the Southern red states, anyway, were solidly Democratic in my childhood.  All that changed was party allegiance, and the excuse is they didn't change, the parties did.  Which has the unfortunate aspect of being true.  Republicans were once the party of Northeastern blue bloods (by reputation if not in fact), members of toney country clubs, etc.  Democrats represented "the working man," and the South because Democrats were the party of the South in Reconstruction (which rebuilt the pre-War South, just without slavery and plantations).  Republicans were the party of the damned Yankees.  Most Southern states were one-party states.

They still are.

So it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I voted for a few Republicans in Vermont...you know, Jim Jeffords and the like, back in the 90s/aughts. Been at least 15 years since I last did, and 'twill never be again, unless/until they adopt Marxism as a plank.
