Friday, October 07, 2022

Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo

Granted I'm spitballing here, but this sounds like one o' them "Civil War!" posts on "social media" that half the internet is losing sleep over.

"Take down Congress ad hoc [does this guy know what "ad hoc" means? Does he mean "as we feel like it"?]"?  "And take them away"?  You and what army, bub?

As the trial of the "Proud Boys" (or are they the "Oath Keepers"?  I've taken to thinking of them as the Proud Keepers and the Oath Boys.  When the Golden Child was a teeny-bopper I always referred to the Back Sink Boys and InStreet.  They, too, were indistinguishable to me.) has shown, aside from the fact they seem to have no defense to the charge of seditious conspiracy except "Trump was gonna say it was OK!"; the Proud Keepers didn't dare bring their arms to the Capitol because Trump hadn't given them his imprimatur and assurance of pardon.

Now, these days, after Jan. 6th, any large gathering in D.C. on a day when Congress is in session will necessitate the presence of the National Guard, ready to repel invaders.  And probably a small army of police officers in riot gear, rather than the overwhelmed Capitol Police.

Civil war?  I'll ask again:  what state is playing South Carolina's role this time?

Yes, threats of violence are real, and this clown should be paid some attention to.  But LARPers in their Momma's basement are not going to overthrow the government, unless it's toppling on its own already.

And it ain't.

We have met the enemy, and he's an overweight middle-aged man with delusions of grandeur.

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