Sunday, October 02, 2022

Early 2023 Resolution

To strike "normalize" in all it's usages/tenses/forms from the language, and banish anyone who uses it in public.

Just because Putin is saber-rattling with the last sabre in his arsenal does not mean the rest of us have "normalized" the use of nuclear weapons.  At. All.

Unless you are so young you don't remember "duck 'n' cover" and Civil Defense logos on car radios (a/k/a "CONELRAD;" standard equipment) and air raid shelters.  You want "normalizing an unthinkable conversation about nuclear weapons use"?  Grow up in America in the early '60's.

Now git off mah lawn, ya damn punk kids!!!!!

Okay, I'm gonna add this because:  shit!  I remember being about 6 years old (or thereabouts) and asking my mother (as she was ironing, IIRC) why we didn't have a bomb shelter in the backyard (they were all the rage, though I never knew anybody who had one.  I must have seen that "Twilight Zone" episode, but it seems they were fairly common fare on TeeVee shows.).  Her answer?  She stopped what she was doing, looked at me, and said:  "Because I don't want to live in the world they say would be left behind."

You want "normalized"?  Try hearing your mother say that to you when you are 6 years old.

Now git back offa mah lawn!!!!!!  I got clouds to shout at!

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