Wednesday, October 05, 2022


A reminder that most people in America vote don't give a wet snap who their Senators are, except once every six years when they vote for the candidate who either isn't from the wrong party, or who doesn't rub 'em the wrong way.

Appearing on Fox News Wednesday, Walker told host Brian Kilmeade, "If we vote for the people on the left, like the guy I'm running against," Democratic U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock, "you're not going to have a chance to be redeemed. He's a minister and he don't believe in redemption."

"Right now, they're trying to destroy America, they're trying to destroy Georgia. It ain't gonna happen on my watch," the Trump-endorsed GOP nominee said.

Kilmeade asked the embattled Senate GOP candidate why his son, Christian Walker, is "doing tremendous damage to you."

Walker served up a confusing claim, suggesting his popular right wing social media influencer son is actually a liberal.

"Well, the damage he's doing is letting people know that the left will do whatever they can to win the seat."

"I told you when I got into this race, I'm gonna win this seat," Walker continued, as he played the religion card. "People see someone seated here in front of you right now that have been redeemed. And I want America to know, I'm living proof that you can make mistakes and get up and keep going forward. But you can only do it in this country right here. But you can only do it, if we get this election correct this coming November."
"Redeemed"?  U.S. Senators offer redemption to their constituents?

Political analysis on "Morning Joe" this morning is that suburban housewives around Atlanta (that much prized voting cohort) turned against Trump in disgust in 2020, and are turning back to Walker because he's not a Democrat.  Which doesn't account for the fact Trump wasn't on the ballot for the special elections in Georgia, but he endorsed the losers then, and he's endorsed Walker, now.

Basically pundits just say words to keep their spot on TeeVee and pollsters issue polls asking different sets of people the same questions and portray the different answers as 'shifts' in public opinion. 

But that base truth is true:  people generally don't give a shit who their U.S. Senator is.  Tom DeLay got turfed out of the House for doing stuff his district noticed.  Ted Cruz can do the same stuff (like run off to Cancun) and not enough voters statewide notice, or will care in 2024 when he's up for re-election.

I mean, I think this is exactly the right question to ask about Walker:
How many voters in Georgia do you think are disturbed by it? Or are even asking it?

Conduct yourselves accordingly.

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