Wednesday, October 05, 2022

The Sin That Dare Not Speak Its Name

"I think he says and does racist things over a very long period of time. I don't know how else you would define it," confessed Haberman. "Somebody incorporating racial paranoia into his public persona since the 1980s, the Central Park case, teenagers were charged inside that case and they were all teenagers of color, and he called for bringing back the death penalty and he still won't apologize even though... there is proof now that their confessions were coerced by officials. So, you go from there through the White House. You know, he repeatedly says racist things and then says he was taken out of context. But at a certain point, I am not sure how much benefit of the doubt people are supposed to give him."

And that cannot bear very much reality.

Why, of all things, do we give racism the benefit of the doubt? It can only be because we know the sin is one we all share? Or at least, we fear it.

But the takeaway is actually this:

The conversation began with some talk about how Donald Trump has managed to bring down the values and morals of the Republican Party. 
“Roy Moore might survive in this political climate,” Wallace said, in reference to the GOP's continued backing of candidate Herschel Walker amid allegations of familial abuse. 
She went on to say that all of that moral downfall of the GOP started with Donald Trump and the Republican acceptance of the "Access Hollywood" tape where their candidate essentially bragged about getting away with committing sexual assault. "It’s the lowering of the bar and the erosion of the bar," said Haberman, noting that Trump is well aware that he lowered the bar and is proud of it. 
Trump “wants to show that nothing matters," she explained. "To show there are no red lines anymore always makes him happy."

Nihilism. Absolute nihilism. Because he wants everything reflecting the chaos of his soul; that nothing, absolutely nothing in the world, is more important than he is. When it is all leveled, it is all him.

His supporters are the same. They don’t want difference. They want everything to be them. Not an extension of them. Just them.

It is the desire of a child. A terrified child.

Run, run, said the bird.

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