Friday, May 28, 2021

Army Of The Dead

It's kinda cute the way they think anybody who would take this nonsense seriously actually cares about "facts."

If all this moaning and gnashing of teeth and stupid "audits" has any real effect IRL, it will be to dissuade voters for Trump and the GOP from bothering to vote.

So long as the rest of us carry on.  

"Meanwhile, Republicans have moved from the 'big lie' that the election was stolen to a big voter-suppression crusade to big and farcical recounts," she noted. "So how is all that working out for Republicans? Not all that well. In the most recent Quinnipiac poll, for example, Democrats lead Republicans in the 2022 generic congressional poll by a healthy 9 points. In the most recent Morning Consult-Politico poll, Republicans in Congress have a net favorability rating of -19 (35 percent favorable vs. 54 percent unfavorable); Democrats have a +2 net favorability (47 percent favorable vs. 45 percent unfavorable). Meanwhile, FiveThirtyEight's poll average gives Biden a +14 net approval."

"Republicans choose to seek solace in voter suppression schemes, which will not necessarily benefit them. (As the Associated Press reported, these legislative gambits might deter rural and elderly voters, part of the GOP's base, from voting while they enrage and mobilize the Democratic base,)" she explained.

In conclusion:

"Most of all, elected Republicans, like their supporters, increasingly reside in a right-wing media bubble, which helps confirm their beliefs that the country is outraged by a socialist agenda and in a frenzy about cultural and racial memes. Living in a right-wing world of make-believe might be emotionally gratifying, but it does not prepare the party to win elections in the real world," Rubin noted. "Republicans' rhetoric might be odious, their assault on democracy irresponsible and their political thinking delusional. But Republicans' approach might also be entirely counterproductive. So far, the poll data shows they are doing a bang-up job of alienating everyone but MAGA cultists. That's no way to win elections."

Basically, what Trump won't do to himself and the GOP, the GOP is doing.

That army of dead voters, are Trump voters.  And everybody knows dead people don't vote. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they're voting for the ones who went to hell due to their wickedness.

    The most startling thing about this is how vulnerable our Constitutional and legal systems are to being conned and gulled like this, certainly there is not a single judge anywhere who doesn't know that this is a con and yet through their program of instrumental thinking, the performance of a program as their role in the governance of what is supposed to be a representative democratic system, the Republican-fascists will be allowed to get away with this. It can just hear the Alito-Thomas-Kavanaugh-Gorsuch-Barrett and very likely Roberts reasons for allowing them to do it. Gorsuch gave himself away by questioning the propriety of the court getting involved with state elections processes in a previous case. And that is with him knowing full well that this is a huge lie.

    Breyer is no better for other reasons, though he wouldn't go along with this, I'm guessing. He's no better for the same reason that RBG crowned her career with a tragic self-service based inaction of massive irresponsibility, betting on her own cheating of death till a Democrat could name her successor.
