Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I Think "Fundraging" Is Starting To Run Out Of Gas

Not exactly soon; but it is breathing hard. The real culprit here was a Russian criminal group which is now out of business because the U.S. government hit them in their servers (and probably in a few other cyber-places). Well, that and the absolute failure of Colonial Pipeline to provide any cyber-security to the systems that ran one of the most important pipelines in the country. All of this will be forgotten by June, but if Cawthorn actually wants to serve his constituents, he could promote legislation requiring standards for protection for such important utilities.

And the Arizona "audit" continues to collapse under its own weight:
In the meantime, from the "After A Pandemic Who Wants A Shit Job Again?" Department: Cheaper than a pay raise, right? And FoxNews continues to cater to its audience of very old people: I mean, just like I remember the Carter Presidency, I can identify most of the people in these pictures: My 29 year old daughter would get "Master Shake." And then she'd probably be out. Ask yourself how many of those pictures pre-date Carter's presidency.  But to get back to "fundraging," the DOJ is paying attention, again: Which, yes, is a world away from the last days of the last guy: And if you think "The courts saved us!," you have to remember the only way the courts work is an adversary system: Well, the adversarial system and the government changed hands and decided this was not the hightest and best use of the people's lawyers. Because it wasn't; Nunes can fight his own damned fights. And seeking to indict private citizens because they write mean things about ardent supporters of the POTUS who are public officials is such a gross abuse of power it makes Nixon look like a piker.

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