Sunday, May 23, 2021

Gotta Fight For Your Right… eat raw cookie dough. It’s part of our heritage as free Americans!


  1. It's essentially at the point where they're throwing everything against the wall to see if something sticks at this point, or a total and complete contempt for their audience, which works for them, apparently.

  2. The market is a great green god which is supposed to "correct" things like this. But FoxNews gets its primary income from cable fees, paid by cable subscribers, so they don't care who's watching or whether advertisers support their shows, or anything.

    The "market" is aging Boomers who think the only way to watch TV is via cable (old habits die hard), and who apparently have the disposable income. I dropped cable years ago; it was damned expensive! Of course, I am an aging Boomer, but I'm more inclined to think Chomsky is a squish and AOC doesn't go far enough and Bernie sold out when he took royalties for the book he wrote.

    Well, kinda sorta, but not really.
