Depressing. They just jack-hammered the text of the First Amendment off the wall in front of what used to be the Newseum in DC.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 20, 2021
I hope that’s not foreshadowing what’s to come over the next four years....
Cruz bemoaned the removal of a 1st Amendment tablet from the Newseum, suggesting it might be "foreshadowing" Biden's term.
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) May 22, 2021
But the tablet was merely being moved from the closed museum to a new home.
The guy funding the move? A judge Cruz clerked for.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) May 22, 2021
Sure ya do, Ace.He wrote a six-part tweet thread/tantrum/debate outline over Brian Williams calling him #KremlinCruz 😂😂😂
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) May 22, 2021
Holy crap.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 20, 2021
Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea....
He really needs to stay off Twitter.Holy crap.
— Tammy Duckworth (@TammyDuckworth) May 20, 2021
Perhaps a U.S. Senator shouldn't suggest that the *Russian* military is better than the American military that protected him from an insurrection he helped foment?
Maybe this is what happens when a Newseum closes. Though from what I read that thing was a temple to corporate media. Gordon Humphrey earned his reputation as the stupidest Senator of his time but he'd never have done what Cruz did with that neo-Soviet army video.