Monday, May 31, 2021

Sure He Will

Let's start here:

Abbott has until June 20 to carry out the veto.

That's only three weeks away.  Each special session lasts 30 days.  If Abbott calls a special session for tomorrow, the Dems have 3 weeks to block passage of the bill they already objected to.  They could do that by simply leaving the state for extended vacations.  If Abbott hasn't rescinded his vow by June 20, what incentive do Democrats have to return to Austin, ever again?

The current state budget expires on September 1, 2021.  The Lege needs to return in the fall to redistrict Texas.  Legislators don't get paid a princely sum ($6000 a year, plus $221 per diem when the Lege is in session or special session), but staff gets paid a living wage.  And if they don't, (because Art. 10 covers funding for the entire Legislature, and legislative agencies) why should they show up? Is the Lege gonna redistrict without staff?  Are they going to function at all without staff?

Yeah, right.

The governor, who is the only official who holds the power to convene a special session, has not yet specified whether he plans to order one ahead of an overtime round already planned for the fall to handle the redrawing of the state’s political maps. An Abbott spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment earlier Monday.

He needs to make good on his threat by calling the Lege back tomorrow morning.  Short of that, there's no way they can respond to his threat.  If he cuts off legislative funding and doesn't call the Lege back until September, why should they come back?  If he backs off his threat, he's a spent force.  He's done; he's not worth the paper his name is printed on.

So Abbott is essentially threatening to cut off redistricting, which will be done by the GOP for the benefit of the GOP, for the next biennium.  GOP legislators will lose the staff that handles queries from voters.  The entire legislative branch goes cold.  Nothing happens after June 20th because, why bother?  Abbott calls the Lege back into session impotently.

It's not like all the Dems are working stiffs and every GOP legislator is independently wealthy.  As I say, they have jobs to do.  Cut off their staff in the months when the state needs to redistrict?  Sheer genius, I tells ya!

And he's gotta do this in three weeks, and call the Lege back to pass a new budget, which he will again veto if they don't give him what he wants, to infinity?

I think even the GOP legislators are not gonna back that play.  What if Abott vetoes the bill they do pass, and demands another, or no money for you!  How long can he play this game?

And I know the Lege has to pass a budget in the regular session; it's a state Constitutional requirement, the only one they have to meet in each regular session.  I'm not sure Abbott isn't inviting the intrusion of the State Supreme Court at some point.  I'm not sure of the constitutionality of passing new budget requirements in special sessions.  Because if they don't, or can't, the Legislature comes screeching to a halt.  For two years.   If Abbott makes good on his threat, he could effectively shut down the Texas government until 2023.  By that time, people will notice, even in a state where the Lege is gone more than they're in session.

I really don't think Abbott has thought this one through.

Helluva precedent, that's for damned sure.
It's a reasonable conjecture. Without it, his name is mud.

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