Tuesday, May 18, 2021

I’m A Little Unclear About Step Two Here

Because I'm not quite sure how a commision with authority to actually do anything gets established without an act of Congress. And, frankly, McCarthy's objections are meaningless in the House. But even with 51 votes in the Senate, the GOP can kill it in the Senate with the filibuster (which, let's face it, isn't going anywhere).*  So turning an old Nike slogan into political advice is not exactly the magic bullet you're looking for, here.

Aside from the fact Trump gave us four years of Twitter politics and D.C. concerns while doing nothing for the country but stiffing cities where he held his “rallies” and boosting sales of bleach and hydroxychloroquine.  I think policies that are putting vaccines in arms and money in pockets and restarting a better economy than we had are actually political winners.  Nobody really gives a shit who Kevin McCarthy fires, much less really knows who Kevin McCarthy is. 

The commission is important; then again, D.C. commissions are legendary for producing reports everyone critiques and no one pays any attention to.  The Warren Commission, anyone?  The 9/11 Commission, which gave us the Department of Homeland Security and, as a byproduct, security theater in our airports?  Yeah, major political winners there.  Wilson and the Lincoln Project are still fighting the last war.  So is the GOP.

There are better ways to do this, and they don’t involve D.C. knife fights and clever ads that get attention on Twitter for all of, what, 10 minutes?

Please.  Work the trenches, but don’t work ‘em like you’re the anti-Trump.  Replace Trump, don’t replicate him with a white hat on this time.

Besides, we can walk and chew gum at the same time:
*Well, maybe the GOP has 50 votes; or can even sustain a filibuster:
The problem with the future is that nobody lives there, so nobody really knows anything about it.

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