Friday, May 21, 2021

"That fucking lunatic...." Obama on Trump

 "We don't have a free and fair press any more media anymore," Trump said on the far-right network. "This is not free and you know, you look at communist countries. that's what happens, nobody can talk, and when you can't talk, there's nothing to discuss."

He says this while he's talking.  On a network (cable?  internet?  if the latter, it's actually more accessible than cable).  Freely.  He says he can't talk, and there's nothing to discuss.  Well, he's half-right; as usual.

Not quite sure what "this" refers to in that second sentence. I'm sure he doesn’t, either.  But the referent would seem to be the actual interview he's involved in as he speaks.  Is that interview not "free"? Is OAN not a "free and fair press any more media anymore?" Is it worth trying to figure out what this old man is saying?

This barking lunatic was the leader of the free world? 

"CNN is down 50 or 60 percent nobody's ever heard of that. MSNBC is down 50 percent. Fox is way down," said Trump. "You know, Fox is comparing its numbers to last year, but last year they went way down because people felt that they really abandoned what they believed in, what I think the majority of the people of this country believed in, so Fox is way down. And you look, and it's a very sad thing, and you wonder why they're doing it. You wonder. What are they doing? What are they thinking? Because commercially, it's so it's a bad decision. You certainly would think so."

Numbers courtesy of Professor Otto Yerass.  Of course, ratings don't matter to cable they way they matter to broadcast stations.  Those stations get paid by advertisers; cable stations get paid by cable subscribers.  FoxNews is still profitable and worthwhile despite the fact nobody watches it.  Plenty of non-Trump supporters WISH it could be driven off cable by low ratings, but it ain't likely to happen.

This barking lunatic was the leader of the free world? 

Doesn't this indicate Trump doesn't have the death grip on the GOP the press keeps telling us he has? And speaking of investigations, Jen Psaki continues to be Biden's not-so-secret weapon:
"House Republicans are claiming that they have 'significant circumstantial evidence' that COVID-19 originated in a lab," Doocy told Psaki, hewing to Fox News and right wing talking points. "Has the White House seen any circumstantial evidence that it did not, originate in a lab?"


"Well I think first I would caution you against disproving a negative there, which is never the responsible approach in our view when it comes to getting to the bottom of the root causes of a pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the United States." 

Psaki went on to address Doocy's question directly. "I will say that our view continues to be there needs to be an independent, transparent investigation and that needs to happen with the cooperation and data provided from the Chinese government. We don't have enough information at this point to make an assessment," she added.

Which is precisely the same thing that can be said about a commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection.  Game, set, match.

What was that cranky old guy saying on the internet channel nobody watches, again? 

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