Saturday, October 09, 2021

Beyond Parody

I’m just gonna note that Michael Steele:
"They have federal authority," Steele noted. "They have U.S. marshals that they can send out."

 "Look, Bannon and others can hold out and not appear, but when the marshals show up at their doorstep, when they have to get lawyers to deal with that, that's a whole different reality," Steele explained.
Sounds a lot like Donald Trump:
"This will put the current White House in a terrible position when the inevitable request for information comes concerning the massive corruption by Hunter Biden and the already well-documented crimes committed by the Biden family, the least of which are Hunter's paintings selling for as much as $500,000 a piece," Trump said in his statement.

Of course Trump is confessing that he’s trying to hide evidence of a crime with that comparison (he’s his own worst enemy, over and over and over again), but he no more understands the system of laws than Steele does.  Steele overlooks that Bannon & Co. may fail to appear, but they haven’t done so yet. There are no grounds for arrest until the lawful order has been ignored.

Both Trump and Steele think that simply because they want it to be so, it should be so.

Yeah; it doesn’t work that way.  In either case. This kind of crap is no more helpful than calling the electoral system into question. It just promotes ignorance and regarding government like a TeeVee show.


  1. I think the idea that they'll wait for no-showing, non-compliance on the date they're due to appear is more probable than the freak out that they're doing "nothing." That's the problem of the 24-7 "news" cycle, it has to constantly ramp things up or they lose eyes to the ones who will. Michael Steel is no one I need to hear lectures from considering his old job was leading us to where we got, the rest of the Never Trumper Republicans. I am not exactly thrilled with the slowness of things but I would suspect one of the reasons for it is the accustomed work temp of the judiciary that has to be placated.

  2. My guess is they fold the refusal to submit documents matter (due already) with failure to show (due I'm not sure when), and try to treat it all as much as one case in court as they can.

    Bannon & Co. are obviously hoping to run out the clock (the only legal strategy Trump knows), but with the DOJ behind the Committee, these things can move quickly through the court system.

    I also don't doubt the House will use "inherent contempt," which I understand needs only a House majority to approve. That will get the Sgt. At Arms to go out and arrest whomever he can find, where ever they are. Congress has national jurisdiction, after all.
