Saturday, October 08, 2022

I’m Encountering People Like This On NextDoor

The latest disconnected from reality post on the local NextDoor claims the county government is responsible for Houston having the highest homicide rate in the country (it doesn’t) because the County Judge (a Democrat) is releasing violent criminals on bond and refusing to prosecute other criminals.

Except the County Judge is an administrative, not judicial, position, and the District Attorney prosecutes crimes, and is an elected office. And judges follow state law on bail, they don’t make it up as they go along. And they are the judges who decide bail issues.

Now I realize why this person sounds familiar. She’s as well-informed as Lindell.
"I'm going to tell you, that fake Jan. 6 charade that's going on, shame on them," Lindell said. "Pelosi, you hear me, I want to go there," Lindell said directly to the camera. 
"Why don't you get me there? I'd love to come." "The FBI, after Jan. 6, did a six-month investigation. On June 26, 2021, the FBI came out with their (sic) six-month report," Lindell claimed. 
"After intense investigation, we have concluded that there was no collusion between Donald Trump or any one of his supporters involving Jan. 6." 
"That should've been it," Lindeen loudly said. "That should've been it."
Pelosi is not in charge of the committee. And the FBI never released that statement. And the J6 Committee has found the opposite of that fake FBI statement.

But otherwise, like the crazy lady on NextDoor, he’s absolutely…still wrong.

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