Sunday, May 09, 2021

A Long Time In The Life…

...of a two-year old? Or evidence even the educated among us are ahistorical and too affected by video culture where all problems are solved in two hours or less, and whatever opens the story is directly connected to the conclusion coming soon!

Have we had an election since January 6th? Did we turnout all the Representatives and Senators who voted to overturn the Presidential election on January 7th?  Does one event truly open all eyes and make everyone turn to the light and recognize what just happened and what needs to be done?  I remember Kennedy’s assassination; MLK’s; RFK’s.  Or school shootings since Columbine.  If those didn’t move the needle, it’s hard to imagine what will.

The needle is not the measure.  This isn’t about needles.

Trump is wildly unpopular outside the tiny GOP base. The punderati has to gossip about the parties, rather than talk about substance (Covid, the economy, etc.). Something like 75% of Americans identify as “Democrats.” What will happen will happen in the future . The problem is we are always expecting the future to be now, which makes us think the present is already the past.

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