Friday, May 07, 2021

That's It, I'm Starting A Jen Psaki Fan Club

Who's with me?

A lot of people agree with me; but the best part is what Ms. Psaki said about the experience she brings to this job:

How do you think you will engage the right-wing media ecosystem, if I can call it that? I'm thinking of networks like Fox, but also OANN and Newsmax that have larger and larger audiences. And some of them, like Fox, have, at least on a basic level, acknowledged that Joe Biden won the election. Others are pushing completely discredited theories, but they're all going to be there. They're all going to have an audience, and they're all going to have questions for you.

That's right. And you know, Steve, again, just to go back to how valuable I find and how much I'll rely on my experience at the State Department, there were many, many days where there were journalists — I'm air quoting that — who are from Russia or China, essentially arms of the government, you know, arms of the state-run media. And we let them in the briefing room, and they ask questions, and sometimes I had a little fun with them, you know, about who they were asking the question on behalf of.

I think we have to make her Press Secretary for Life, a permanent fixture of the White House.  It's the only way to preserve our democracy and our American Way Of Life! 

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