Wednesday, October 06, 2021

I'll Ask Again

Why would anyone want to be on the school board?

It's long hours; most school districts don't pay the board members (apparently Florida does?)  And people expect you to do things you can't/don't do as a school board member.

"They are being abused, brainwashed into wearing masks and God knows what else," she opined. "The parents need to take control of the schools because they're the taxpayers and it's their money that pays for the schools. And so if the parents do not like their children being taught propaganda, communist propaganda or disgusting immoral sexual education or being told that they have to wear a mask when they go to school or anything else then it's the parents right to go into the school board and demand that it stop."

No, actually, it isn't.  In most states (all of them?), curriculum is set by the state, not by the local school board.  And "disgusting immoral sexual education"?  What's next, the school board is putting flouride in the drinking water?  Communist propaganda?  Doesn't that come through flouride in the water?*

This, as ever, comes back to we, the people. Look at the number of people before that house. I’ve seen more people lined up at the Starbucks in the mall (there’s always a line there). It is the duty of the rest of us to tell the school boards these people are an obnoxious minority, and that we the majority support them. 500 people got a book banned from the school libraries in Katy, Texas. (There are probably more students than that in the graduating class of one high school there.) Do the rest of us agree with that? We do by our silence.

So why are we so silent?

*It's the obsession with "communism" that's especially hilarious. 

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