Monday, October 04, 2021

Empty Nesters....You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Nostalgia

Again, at first, I assumed this was satire; or at least sardonic. Again, I was wrong; but I was right, because it should be.

I added the song because all the responses to this tweet were like this had never happened in the history of the world ever. My daughter is 29.  I love her dearly.  You couldn't pay me to do it all over again, and I've never wished to.  Should I ever be blessed with grandchildren, I'm fully aware the best thing about them is I can give them back after an hour or two.

Parenthood is for the young.  You can enjoy it.  I'll enjoy never having to go through it again (not everyone can say that, because some face conditions where second parenthood with grandchildren (or others) is a necessity).  So I'm good with my memories.

And with the fact my daughter is an adult I can talk to on a regular basis, like an adult.  I'm not interested in living in the past.  And I'm not sorry she's "left the nest."  May you all be happy with your lot, and seek to make the best of it.

1 comment:

  1. Goes for old gay uncles too. I remember the look of shock when I told my family that from now on, except in the most exigent of emergencies, I'm not taking care of young children anymore. When my oldest sister wanted to dump her great grandchild on me while she went off to her knitting group, I drew the line. I liked the kid but enough was enough.
