Sunday, August 14, 2022

As I Said

"His sense was that the people who are in the intel business are incompetent, and he knew better,” Kelly said. “He didn’t believe in the classification system.”
Nothing has changed. And he's still as stupid as an ignorant child:
Trump initially thought the Espionage Act investigation would help him. 
"Immediately after the search, Trump seemed to believe the FBI had played into his hands. Instead of exhibiting any concern, two people who spoke to him Monday evening both reported that Trump was 'upbeat,' convinced the Justice Department had overreached and would cause Republicans to rally to his cause and help him regain the presidency in 2024," the newspaper reported. "By Friday, however, the unsealed court records showed agents had seized 11 sets of classified documents, among other things. Republicans’ howls of protest became somewhat more muted, and people around Trump said his buoyant mood at times turned dark."
He really thought his squid ink defenses would obscure the plain text of the legal documents and the plain facts of why the warrant was needed and what was found. He’s no more able to think strategically than a toad. He’s not even self-aware, because self is all he’s aware of. He thought the investigation would help him because he thought he could control its perception by the public. Now that he’s lost that control, what does he do?

Does he even understand what he is doing?

And put all that in context with the sigint stories. This guy has created an international disaster that wouldn't fly as a plausible scenario in a James Bond movie.  And his only thought is how it gives him a winning hand; all while he doesn’t understand the damage he’s doing to himself, or the country.

If this idiot is the GOP nominee for POTUS in 2024, the party needs to be burned to the ground and that ground sowed with salt.

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