Saturday, August 06, 2022

CPAC Agonistes

The local school board is doing the second reading of a policy to restrict books it deems unworthy on Monday night. Wonder if it’s too late to sign up to speak so I can quote Glenn Beck? Quick: name one winner of a CPAC straw poll who went on to win the presidency. Yes, that’s a trick question. This is the part of the speech where I could be on political Twitter or reading Salon. Or Lincoln Project tweets. No, I have no idea either. Yeah...keepin' it classy!

Trump pretty much replays “American Carnage” from 2017, so let’s cut to the video:
This requires a set-up: And now, Patience Rewarded: What you see in her eyes is fear. Being on stage with him is even a dangerous place. Yeah, go with that. And take the whole GOP with you. Apparently it’s like this? Final trick question (yes, it’s a rerun): Name the last CPAC darling to win the White House.
We’re all just more aware of it. And because of that, I’m more likely to be POTUS than Trump is. Besides, remember the “wax figure “?
And he's still going to keep the elephants away: This is where I separate myself from Mr. Hardy: You cannot convince me that Trump reads. Or has ever prepared a speech in his life.

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