Wednesday, August 03, 2022

It’s All An Act Is A Lie Is An Act

Raw Story
"You may not tell this jury that you are bankrupt," the judge continued. "That is also not true. You may have filed for bankruptcy, I don't know that but I have heard that. That doesn't make a person or a company bankrupt. You're already under oath to tell the truth. You've already violated that oath twice today in those two examples. It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth when you testify. Yet, here I am. You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show. You need to slow down and not take what you see as opportunities to further the message that you're wanting to further. Instead, only answer the specific and exact questions you've been asked. No asides. The comments about discovery. The comments about the larynx or whatever it was." 
At one point Jones began clearing his throat and coughing on the stand and his lawyer quickly asked if he needed some water. Jones explained that he had surgery on his larynx at one point. He also spoke to the judge about having a tooth pulled recently when she admonished him for chewing gum. He said he wasn't chewing gum it was part of the gauze he had in his mouth and opened it trying to show her. She told him to close it and sit down.
Well, yeah. I knew some judges in that courthouse back in the day (i.e., more than 30 years ago now) who absolutely would have chewed him up and spit him out. Which is no slight on how this judge is handling the case. And then today happened: And a paralegal left the courtroom punching in the number to the malpractice carrier as they went. Even as the carrier scans the contract for a way to cancel it. And somewhere in a file cabinet in a quiet office Reynal's (Jones' lawyer) malpractice insurance contract just spontaneously combusted. A Pogo reference AND a Perry Mason reference! Boomers rule!!!!!!! Adult beverages for everybody!

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