Tuesday, August 02, 2022

The High Price of Low Taxes

Texas has very low taxes, which is part of the reason the burden on homeowners (property taxes fund county and city governments and schools) is so high. Those taxes barely fund anything.  State taxes come largely through sales tax, the most regressive form of taxation imaginable.  And the state is quite adept at robbing Peter to pay Paul, especially when "Paul" is an issue in an election year: Fuck teenagers, they're all juvenile delinquents anyway, right? Otherwise they'd be home playing video games and football! This should be a disgrace, but this is Texas. This won't get the attention being paid to the GOP Senators voting against a veteran's bill that's probably going to pass anyway (not that that's a small thing, but consider the pro-life extremists in Texas, crying for the rights of the fetus. Rights of teenagers? *crickets* Or, since this is Texas in the summer: *cicadas*) I'd blame Covid, but that chart starts in 2017. It's okay, though, Abbott's gonna take care of it, now that the Tribune has noticed: Meanwhile: Which is not nearly as important as a 10 year old in Ohio getting an abortion, which she really shouldn't have been allowed to have, according to people who care about children in Texas. "Children" being the preferred term for "fetus."  Once they become children, they are no longer anyone else's concern.

I'll retire to Bedlam....

1 comment:

  1. They don't care about the fetus either. None of the states that are pushing these extreme anti-abortion positions are moving to spend a dime for pre-natal or post-natal care. They are engaging in cheap posturing. This is performance art with victims. If they actually cared they would be accepting Medicaid expansion, increasing medical spending pre and post birth and more, but of course this is not happening. This about feeling good at the expense of someone else, the the most cynical form of morality.

    To paraphrase, watch where the money goes because that shows what they care about.
