Tuesday, June 13, 2023


"On law," if by law you mean “whatever uneducated people think ‘law’ means.” Otherwise, the arguments are, indeed, ridiculous. But they have as much to do with law as Trump has to do with integrity. Ya think? I’d be sympathetic to Hilary’s prosecution if you had any facts to support it. At least Bill fudged under oath on getting blow jobs from Monica. But while that might have amounted to misrepresentation, there’s no way it was ever perjury (it was material to what crime under investigation?). It became the “crime” Clinton was impeached for. Something no prosecutor would have wasted the court’s time on.

You need facts to support a criminal prosecution. And you need facts of a crime serious enough to investigate and prosecute. If you could show that for Hillary, fine. Trump’s DOJ couldn’t find one. Don’t be an equivocating ass.
A) Don’t do it for him.

B) What else has he got? He can’t bring those cries of “PRA!” and “WITCH HUNT!” into court. And in the end, the courtroom is all that matters.
One can’t happen without the other.
That didn’t happen. Which makes Trump’s legal representation even more interesting. He’s in a serious world of hurt if he can’t get competent legal counsel. And all the appeals to the court of public opinion won’t mean shit without that.  Or even with it; but that’s not on the horizon right now.

And still at least two indictments to go; and neither of them will be in Florida. His troubles finding attorneys is only going to get worse. And be more consequential.

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I was so young and naive, busting out Black's Law and trying to argue with rightwing colleagues about perjury and whether blowjobs were germane. They only knew they hated Clinton. Which also means they believe everybody else is the same, so if we are prosecuting Trump, it just means we hate him, not that there's a material difference in cases. Beginning to think that to be on the Right is to be essentially a narcissistic abuser...
