Thursday, August 01, 2024

“A Repulsive Creep And An Inhumane Jackass”

The full Monty:
So when are they going to release the details of the prisoner swap with Russia? How many people do we get versus them? Are we also paying them cash? Are they giving us cash (Please withdraw that question, because I’m sure the answer is NO)? Are we releasing murderers, killers, or thugs? Just curious because we never make good deals, at anything, but especially hostage swaps. Our “negotiators” are always an embarrassment to us! I got back many hostages, and gave the opposing Country NOTHING – and never any cash. To do so is bad precedent for the future. That’s the way it should be, or this situation will get worse and worse. They are extorting the United States of America. They’re calling the trade “complex” – That’s so nobody can figure out how bad it is!
Nothing about human beings; all about cash.

The people the allies released are going to Russia. If they are murderers, killers, etc, let Russia have them.

Biden spoke of alliances that made this possible and human being who are coming home, as well as the release of Russian nationals imprisoned for the “crime” of speaking up for justice and freedom.

But Trump thinks cash was involved, because money is far more important to him than people. And what about his claim that his “friend” Putin wouldn’t release Gershkovich until Trump was elected?  🦗 🦗🦗

The U.S. was just part of a deal that got 16 24 prisoners in Russia released. What part of that is a problem for Trump? Aside from the part where he doesn’t get any credit for it?

A good thing is done, and all he can do is bitch and whine?

What a small, small man. And he’s shrinking more every day.

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