Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Now I'm Wondering...

The woman on the far left has a phantom hand on her waist. Equally, where the hell is Trump's left arm? He doesn't even seem to have a left hand dangling.

Did Team Trump cobble this fucking picture together?  Reality wasn't grotesque enough for them?

Look at the top of the gravestone she's standing in front of, too.

And the gap between her and the woman to Trump's right is a gray-blue blur.  The man standing behind them has no legs; there is only the blur.  Somebody crudely edited this picture, for reasons I don't understand. In the grand scheme of things it means the least about this offensive activity; but why did somebody do this?

Inquiring minds want to know.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the top of the gravestone she's standing in front of, too.
