Friday, August 30, 2024

Biden Did It

It's alright. It was Biden's fault.
"We have a lot of people, you know, we have people – Tiktok people, you know, we're leading the internet. That was the other thing. We're so far above [Vice President Harris] on the internet," Trump told NBC News' Dasha Burns (video below) Thursday.

Continuing to try to distance himself, Trump claimed, "I don't know what the rules and regulations are. I don't know who did it," he added, referring to posting videos, including one published to Trump's own TikTok account.

"It could have been them. It could have been the [Gold Star] parents. It could have been somebody," Trump said.

When told it was his campaign's Tiktok that posted the video, Trump replied, "I really don't know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said, 'if you'd like to have a picture, we can have a picture.'"

But then Trump flipped, declaring the Biden administration was to blame for his campaign's photo-op fiasco.

"This was a setup by the people in the administration that, 'Oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, and that looks so bad for us."

The Administration doesn't have to do a damned thing to make Trump look bad. 

I forgot to add: Not holding my breath, either. (I'm an old man, I wouldn't last that long.)

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