Friday, August 23, 2024

"MA! Grandpa Got Out Again!"

Somebody took him to do this? In his condition? You would certainly know. "We"? You got a union in your pocket? Yeah, she saw your post on the teleprompter and straightened right up! Because black people were field workers and house maids and dishwashers and manual laborers until the Mexicans got here, right?

Honestly, the only thing weirder than Trump there is the mural of Venice.  In Nevada?
  Trump has no idea how Roe got repealed, any more than he knows anything about Project 2025. He's as upset as you are, and he alone can fix it! Whatever it is, and however it happened. A conflict in Christianity that goes back at least to the meeting of Rome and Danes/Anglo-Saxons. The Dream of the Rood is your touchstone here.  And Ecclesiastes, for there is indeed nothing new under the sun.  Except a Black woman as POTUS.  That would be new.  A black Christian woman who talks about caring for the least because that takes care of all of us.  I'm here for it.  And for this:

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