Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lion of Judah?

I don't know what the lion is supposed to represent, here. In heraldry it represents the Royal Family of England, anymore. Or maybe the reference is to the lions at the public library in NYC. Otherwise, it just looks like that lion is thinking: "Dude, I don't know you that well!" Oh, he is claiming connections to royalty. Is that it? Pretty sure the last guy to run on the genius of his policies was Adlai Stevenson. Campaigns used to release position papers nobody read or even paid attention to, except it pleased the political press to think they had forced the candidates to do due diligence. JFK was elected because he was young and photogenic (not unlike Kamala today).  LBJ ran on what a scary person Goldwater was.  Nixon ran on a "secret plan to end the war," which he didn't have.  Need I go on? 

I still remember the outrage when Joe McGinnis told us all how Nixon was packaged and sold like soap powder in 1968. The only shock was saying the quiet part out loud. But pundits all clutched their pearls in despair. Then came The Boys on the Bus and we found out everything Hunter Thompson had said was true. Face it, David, you're half-a-century too late to be tut-tutting about this now. "America's Mayor" hasn't changed a bit. Not in all this long time we've known him. He just got a pass, back in the day.

Could the lion be Aslan?

That would explain the look of discomfort.


  1. Could the lion be Aslan?

  2. Maybe it's because lyin' has been his best help over the years.
