Monday, August 19, 2024

"Mostly Stayed On Topic"

Well, he didn't do that today. Trump's "economic speech" 3.0 Follow closely for the policy pronouncements and explanations! "Oh, that was many years ago/I doubt that anyone would know." That's just Econ 101. Boy, is he gonna be surprised. Umm... But he's just getting to the "economics" part! I'm almost starting to like Turdblossom. Not a concept he understands. "Time considered as a helix of semi-precious stones." Or as a river, that flows both ways. Or just as a broken chronology that wanders through the by-ways of Trump's mind. Is anybody going to write an editorial in WaPo pointing out Trump can't explain what the hell he's talking about? THIS close to English. No idea why. 19th century mercantilism sounds like the cutting edge of...200 years ago. Economics! And if you blinked, you missed this: That was a cover story on Forbes, wasn't it? Or Fortune? Surely it had something to do with economic policy. 1954? Before globalization? Yeah, okay. Whatever. Somebody needs to tell Amazon they aren't delivering packages on time. And toilet paper is not getting to my local store anymore. Oh, wait, that was during Covid. When...who was in office again? Anybody remember that guy? "The Consumers Buy It Away." The unfinished novel by Flannery O'Connor. Where the hell was he, anyway? Lordelpus when even FoxNews is more honest about Trump than CNN. "Mostly stayed on topic"?  What, are we grading on a curve, now?  Does Trump get an "E" for effort?  Maybe a gold star for talking for a whole hour?

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