Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Just Can't Anymore...

Yeah, that's the problem. I'd saying he's using "wind" in the old fashioned sense of body gasses and belching. But I'm very sure that's not what he means. The only criterion that matters. That'll suck in the handful of people in the country who turn to IVF as a last resort. And even then it's only a 50/50 chance of success. It's also fantastically expensive, which is either going to cost the government billions, or raise health insurance premiums exorbitantly. Hey, I don't make the rules. (The problem here is private health insurance, by the way.) The desperation is real. And yes, he just ran roughshod over the party platform. But he's running as fast as he can to get out in front of the people, so he can show leadership! Lc Civita says Trump is the REAL C in C, and La Civita says "FUCK THE ARMY!" How does that work, exactly? Meanwhile Trump releases a campaign video on Twitter shot at ANC, and denies he did any campaign videos from his visit to ANC. I guess it works like that, huh?

And: Palate cleansers: I have to give Charlie Pierce the last word:

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