Saturday, August 24, 2024

Not Quite THAT Simple

 Elaborating, he continued, "You know what happened after Republicans got wiped out in 1964? They won in '68. You know what happened after the Democrats got wiped out in '72? They won in '76."

LBJ withdrew because he followed the advice of the Best and the Brightest and made the war in Vietnam worse (Gulf of Tonkin, any one?), destroying whatever good will he built up with his legislative record (the greatest in the 20th century).  The VRA couldn't save his ass, it took too long to implement and reverse a century of Jim Crow voter suppression. Vietnam (which would end for another 7 years) overrode everything.

Nixon resigned in disgrace in '74, and Ford pardoned him, poisoning Ford's chances and handing the White House to Carter.  Who lost it to Reagan 4 years later.  8 years of Reagan ended with four years of Poppy.

It was always about personalities (Clinton ran rings around Poppy on the campaign trail.  Despise the man all you want, he was one of the greatest politicians/campaigners in American history.).  It was never about electoral outcomes or electoral landslides, impressive as those are.

What happens in 2028 depends on who's running.  Just like it does right now.

That said, I'm pretty sure Carville knows what he's saying.

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