Sunday, August 25, 2024

Is It Weird Enough Yet?

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." George S. Patton.   I'm not clear on how Trump or Jr. taking a bullet for the country helps the country. Adams seems quite happy for them to do so, however. Wonder if he considers his taking a bullet would help the country any. And how? Meanwhile:
As the Post's Isaac Arnsdorf, Josh Dawsey and Marianne LeVine reported, "...aides did not want a situation where he was watching the convention every night, getting angry, and then just golfing all day and stewing, according to people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private interactions. Trump also had grown annoyed with the news coverage that depicted him as not working as hard as his opponent, one person who talked to him said."

That, in turn, led them to get him off the golf course and back on the road where he has been holding press conferences where he is supposed to talk about policy but often turns into personal attacks on Harris much to the dismay of his campaign.

According to one former aide who served in the White House under the former president, Trump has lost the plot.

“The stakes for Trump this election are arguably the highest they’ve ever been. His criminal cases don’t go away if he loses. Yet he seems to be phoning it in, running a remarkably low-energy, undisciplined campaign,” explainedAlyssa Farah Griffin, a former Trump spokesperson. “From spending days off the campaign trail golfing to coming up with frankly weak nicknames like ‘Kamabala,’ it feels like he’s lost his mojo.”
Narrator:  Trump never had any "mojo."  He defeated a pathetically weak GOP bench in 2016, and only won the electoral college vote because Comey dumped a shitload of garbage on Hillary's front lawn days before the election.  Trump had no mojo in 2018, 2020, 2022.... He's been running the same schtick for 9 years.  It was never not old again.

But, he got the coveted RJK, Jr. endorsement.
"The endorsement was an amazing success," the political advisor opined. "When we're talking these battleground states and you look at the numbers that [RFK Jr.] was pulling in some of these battleground states, you know, that support now transitions to the Trump campaign puts us in a position to ensure success."

"Donald Trump last week hit six battleground states," he noted. "And where is Kamala? Hiding in the basement. She's using the same strategy that Joe Biden used."

Narrator:  Trump is using the same strategy Trump used in 2020.  Kamala Harris was in Wisconsin for two nights during the DNC in Chicago.  She's been on the road constantly since Biden stepped away and endorsed her to run.

Who's going to tell Trump he's hiding on his golf courses?
I guess he deserves a few days relaxation now. That these are his principles, and if you don't like them, he has others? Or, if you don't like them, fuck you for not getting the joke.

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