Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trump Just Lost Catturd

Although RFK, Jr dominated the news cycle so much people wondered what had happened to JD: I'm not sure this was the best way for him to reappear. Because of the endorsement by Jr., stuff like this started to appear: Not to worry, Trump brilliantly tamped that down:
On Truth Social, he wrote: "Bret Baier of FoxNews called me, I didn’t call him, just prior to the Kamala Convention speech, and asked me if I would like to critique her after she is finished. I agreed to do so! — I thought it was nonspecific and weak, with no fracking, crime, inflation or anything else of interest even mentioned. Delivery was a C+, with far too many and speedy 'thank you’s' at the beginning. It was 'WEIRD!'"

He then claimed he is much in demand and labeled himself a "Ratings Machine."

"Likewise, I didn’t call other media outlets that asked me to go on, they called me. The Fake News, like often 'gilted' Maureen Dowd of the failing New York Times, wrote incorrectly that I was making the calls. WRONG!!! I don’t have to make calls to go on TV, or anything else — They call me! It’s called Ratings, I guess, and I’m the 'Ratings Machine!'" he asserted.

Early Sunday morning after the Thursday night speech, and he's still obsessed with Harris saying "Thank you." (She was trying to quiet the cheering crowd so she could begin her speech.  That's what really rankled Trump.) 

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