Sunday, August 18, 2024

"In real life, Three Stooges deserve our admiration"

Are the "insiders" in the room with you right now? It's "coke." Y'all get it wrong every time. Doritos are wrong, too. At least in the land of Tex-Mex. But it's forgiveable, since y'all don't know any better. This is the way. Now why is that? Yeah, I don't think it's 'Don't like him' like "Don't want to have a beer with him." More like, after four years in office, and two plus years of running for office a third time, he's worn out his welcome. Oh, and he's an incompetent moron who makes the Three Stooges look like world leaders. You could just compare that to Trump's idiocy on tariffs, and remember he wants to replace all forms of federal taxation with tariffs. Or that Trump's idea of politics and governance is retribution. A reminder that Trump chose the journalists for his "press conferences" and it wasn't one of the "gaggle" in this group who asked Trump why God saved him from death. Good reasons not to like a person; or to not want him to hold any public office whatsoever. No slight on Ms. Harris (and no comparison intended, either), but the northbound end of a southbound mule is more attractive than Donald Trump. Now I feel MUCH better. But that's okay because they like his policies, right? And his policies again are....? Nothin shallow about Trump, eh? "Marxist economics"? So, what, he was an historian? "Marxist" is such a mid-20th century scare word. Laying the groundwork for a coup. Or just completely delusional. Yeah, it's the last one.

1 comment:

  1. Here we grew up calling it "tonic." But we're capable of adjusting to other names for it, I think most people are apart from the idiots who can't adjust to that reality. When my mother first got stationed in Philadelphia during WWII she went into a soda shop and ordered "tonic" and got a glass of club soda with quinine in it. She thought it was amusing. But, then, I come from a state that created Moxie, I assume from the theory that soft drinks shouldn't be enjoyable.
