Friday, August 30, 2024

"Narcissism Risen To The Point of Sociopathy"

When told it was his campaign's Tiktok that posted the video, Trump replied, "I really don't know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said, 'if you'd like to have a picture, we can have a picture.'"

He's completely incapable of thinking he did anything wrong.

Good manners, Jane Austen observed, hold a society together. George Washington copied longhand in boyhood and preserved into adulthood a list of 110 “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior”. Another general turned president, Dwight Eisenhower, cautioned in his Guildhall address after VE Day that “humility must always be the portion” of any man who receives acclaim earned by others’ sacrifices.

Donald Trump and his staff knew – and were reminded of – federal regulations specifically prohibiting the misconduct their campaign engaged in at Arlington’s section 60 this week. But the law aside, only a gross lack of manners, decency and humility could incline a person to film a fundraising appeal over the resting places of dead men and women who cannot decline to participate in the coarse spectacle. The photo of a grinning Trump giving a jaunty thumbs-up over these patriots’ graves is an indelible image of narcissism risen to the point of sociopathy.

He should be on trial for his crimes, rather than on the campaign trail.

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