Monday, August 19, 2024

When Non-Experts Exhibit Their Non-Expertise

I still say the age cohort who knows that "communist" is supposed to mean, is shrinking rapidly.  And even among them, the word is a shibboleth.  Few people have any clue what it refers to. Except it won't "roil the election," because these clowns have already been told their actions and suggestions violate state and federal election law. Their roles are purely ministerial, not legislative. They can't change the rules to suit themselves, especially when it comes to vote tabulation and certification. They won't "disrupt" anything, as they'll be slapped down by the courts if they try to challenge election results. The courts can move very rapidly in these circumstances when they have to. Yeah, that's not the keystone at all. Not even close. I'm not saying that's the last word on the issue, but which one gives you more insight into the issue?

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