Saturday, August 31, 2024

How Bad? So Bad...

How bad? So bad, Politico scrubbed it. Not that the CNN interview wasn't terrible. The question about Harris' race was a high school lunch table question: "Donald said you weren't black! Did you hear that?" It was gossip, pure and undistilled. Harris handled it with such aplomb the issue disappeared, same way it would at the high school lunch table. But will the press gossip report on this? Or this? I'm sure they want to ask Kamala about this: This will pass unnoticed: As well as this: Or even this: Somebody needs to ask Biden about this, I'm sure: The press won't report on it, because they'll fixate on this: It's about the press, after all. Trump has weevils in his brain. It's the only explanation. But that's not the Big Story today.

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