Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Da Fuck?

The faces of the guys behind him: "Da fuck?" You can't convince me those guys flanking him aren't on drugs. Or just well-trained to emulate the Palace Guard at Buckingham. It's cute he thinks that's a point in his favor. Oh, so they're not some kind of weird "honor guard." The campaign had to know the ropes wouldn't hold him. "You've seen it. I've seen it." Sure, Grandpa, sure. We've all seen it. Let's get your cocoa now, and your pills. It's time for your nap. Not half as heartily as she's gonna laugh you off the national stage. THUS, do I refute him! MOM! Grandpa needs his meds! It's the party of Trump. Nothing aside from that matters. Wait, is he promising to control the jobs numbers when he's in office? We should go, too. This is, after all, elder abuse. But CNN stayed bravely to the end, and then interpreted what you just saw, in case you couldn't believe you actually saw it: "Message: I care." At least they asked Poppy what his message was. They helpfully provide one for Trump.

You know, I almost get the feeling he's got his bug-out plans ready and he figures why bother because the Saudi's or Putin will take care of him.

I wonder if Merchan will pull his passport as part of his sentencing in September.  He's already told Elmo he's gonna bug out to Venezuela.  There's grounds.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I almost get the feeling he's got his bug-out plans ready and he figures why bother because the Saudi's or Putin will take care of him.
