Thursday, August 08, 2024

Louder And Funnier

Crowd size only means something comparatively. Fundraising is perhaps a better metric. Yes, that’s self-reported, and we should confirm it with the FEC filings. But whither Trump’s braggadocio about fundraising records? There’s a lot of loose bullshit on Twitter about this (probably from bots 🤖)

Meanwhile, swift boating is all they’ve got:
One thing the military does is keep records. Do the clowns who spoke to the Post appear in them? There’s a lot of loose bullshit on Twitter about this (probably from bots 🤖). But there are verifiable records, v. bogus NYPost reports and Twitter bots.
You always have to consider the source. And La Civita and the SBVT? Fact check, true.

Speaking of sources:
Katherine Doyle is an NBC reporter. Her tweet is quoting the Free Beacon article, whose author doesn’t seem to know Afghanistan is not in the Middle East. Or that military operations don’t occur in just one country or involve only combat troops. There is a public record on what Walz said he was doing during EF. (Walz retired in order to run for Congress. He gave a lot of interviews about his military experience.) Walz was deployed to Italy for EF, to prepare troops for combat.

Military operations ain’t like they do it in the movies.

We’ve seen this particular movie. It wasn’t good enough to earn a sequel.

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