Saturday, August 03, 2024

Me? Or Your Lyin’ Eyes?

NPR's Stephen Fowler took issue with the posts, saying, "The Harris campaign is using an outdated screen grab of a video feed to say there’s a lot of empty seats at Trump’s rally." 
"The only seats that are open right now as Trump is speaking are a few rows for press that are on risers/on the floor," Fowler added. "Republicans (and Trump) also claim that Harris’ rally was only full for Megan Thee Stallion and people left en masse when Harris was speaking - which isn’t true (The reality is that tons of people are excited for both candidates - and people leave early to avoid crowds to leave)."
Ummm...that would be this: Seems to be taken from the RSBN live feed. Why would they put an outdated pan of the seats against a live shot of Trump speaking? Sabotage?

This one was posted as Trump started speaking. Were people already leaving then? And why did Trump mention the empty seats? At the beginning of his speech.
And again. And again. Or maybe he meant these seats:
 Or these? Those aren’t “risers on the floor.”
I know it’s kind of a dumb thing to care about, I admit. But shit, man, are you telling us all of those pictures are lies?

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