Sunday, August 04, 2024

Trump Is A Brilliantly Feral Politician

How’s that working for him? And he really hates it when he doesn’t get the credit; or just the attention. I guess getting him to campaign on policy, even a little, is too much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. Brian Kemp is eminently deserving of being attacked. He's every big as much a vote rigger and suppressor as Trump is. I'm all in favor of Trump kicking up a war within the Georgia Republicans who are taking up old fashioned white-supremacist politics at their most anti-democratic. While I will welcome the anti-Trumpist would-be Republican Party restorationists for this one election cycle, their past practices weren't all that much different from his. Trump is a result of dirty Republican politics going back to Nixon and accelerating under Reagan and the Bushes. They were fine with the Supreme Court and Jeb Bush's regime in Florida handing the loser the election in 2000, setting the stage for what happened with Trump. The pseudo-sainted John McCain gave them a huge assist by elevating Sarah Palin to national prominence. I have a strong feeling that if he hadn't done that Trump may have never succeeded in doing what he did, she lowered the level of presidential rhetoric to Trumpian levels.
