Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mom, America, and Apple Pie

The Administration is also objectively pro-kitten, especially in videos.

But no bans on tobacco, guns, or other things that are American AND our God-given right to possess, own, or consume!

Besides, only the kids vape, and they need to be set right.  Oh, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain:



  1. "“Please don't go on about that. You're not an historian by training or practice. You have the exact opposite approach that an actual historian should - you dismiss outright anyone who rejects your thesis and hold up whoever supports it, regardless of their errors in scholarship or lack of qualifications.

    “Oh, and you employ ad hominem arguments to explain why those are not convinced by the same faux scholarship you are.'

    You mean like that one?"

    Have you ever read his ravings about the cabal of historians who keep the "Stratford Industry" alive by continuing to knowingly lie about Shakespeare being the author of the plays?

    I know from experience on that topic and others, whenever I try to cite another source to counter one his arguments, he either refuses to publish it on the grounds I "slander" the party is he supporting or dismisses the critics as having an agenda.

    Or maybe you share his belief that Shakespeare didn't write anything?

    The reason I'm posting this here is because he wouldn't on his blog.

    Re: Grant. No, it wasn't about the CWA.

    I'm happy with the Constitution. It's not perfect, but my search for a superior base of a government has left me resigned to Churchill's observation. But he just seems appalled by Hamilton, Madison, et al. It's one thing to say we're not following our ideals but it's another to say those ideals should be done away with.

  2. A) more ad hominem doesn't disprove my point.
    B) You don't like what he writes, don't read it. "Somebody on the internet is wrong!" is not an inspired lifestyle choice. Or an argument.
