Sunday, July 03, 2022

“Judicial Review”

It's incredibly complicated, I get it," Bash pressed. "But i guess my question is, given how heartbroken you seem to be about the situation, maybe the question is this, because what I keep thinking about is, how is a 10-year-old girl physically, probably can't even carry a baby without being, never mind emotionally and physically tormented, but physically hurt. Would you consider that mother's life at risk?" 
"That's something in that situation the doctor, the family, the individuals closest to that will make the decision for that family," she replied.
They’ll make a decision and then a judge and jury will decide if it was the right decision.

Which is the core of the problem, isn’t it?

While in Mississippi it’s a race to the bottom because, really, how many 10 year old girls get pregnant? I mean, it’s not enough for the state to even notice! Majority rule, amirite?

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